Life At Work

Life At Work

I’ve had a few interesting experiences with being at work and living with CF, so I thought I’d share some of them below.  Some will undoubtedly make you shake your fists at the screen, because it sure has made me do just that by reliving it! I left school with...
Surviving School

Surviving School

Remember the good old days of school?  The days of passing notes to each other in class, or trying to find the online games that weren’t blocked… The days of messing around but never getting told off because you were known as the quiet one… But alas, it was probably...
Hospital VS Home IVS

Hospital VS Home IVS

Have you ever thought that having IVS were like a SWAT team going into the veins to take out the bad guys (bugs)? For Example: Command: Listen up all teams, we have a hostile situation in the lungs and your mission is to eliminate them.  Use all appropriate force of...
A Readers Digest

A Readers Digest

  Have you ever been to the doctors and they ask to weigh you?  So you walk to the scales and before you step on they ask you to remove your shoes.  You start trying to unpick the double knot you tied earlier.  You make small talk with the person waiting to weigh...